Answer for your Actions, Sir

Answer for your Actions, Sir

Transparency is key in effective governance. Trust is built and maintained by open communication. Real dialogue. And continued accountability. I hope to provide as much of that as I possibly can in person, through phone calls and emails, here on this blog, and on social media where I interact as much as possible.

And when we, as a board, make a decision, especially a potentially controversial one, it is right and appropriate for constituents to ask, “Why, did you vote like that?”

Here is my reply….

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What good is it to     “Save Our Homes” yet Lose Our Children:      The Quandary of HB581

What good is it to “Save Our Homes” yet Lose Our Children: The Quandary of HB581

As you can see, this creates a philosophical tension for many ideological purists, like me. As an elected official, my desire is to represent the will of the people. And when homeowners are begging for some tax relief, and our legislators enact such laws, I desperately want HB581, and a tax break, for the people. But the implications are perilous for children in public schools in my community. Thus, the quandary of HB581.

Do we accept the legislation as-is and take the financial hit crippling our school systems, or do we set aside ideological purity and “opt-out” of HB581 for the sake of the future of our community: the voice-less and vote-less children who so desperately need someone to fight for them. Some have said that to opt-out after the voters have spoken is to commit “political suicide.” I’ve spoken to a host of uneasy board members across the state, especially in metro-Atlanta, many who feel this same tension of helping the homeowners save their homes and doing what is best for all the students in their community.
This is not an easy decision.

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A Joyful Juxtaposition of Hope: Christmas, the New Year, and them Dawgs!
Covington News OpEd, Faith, Family Trey Bailey Covington News OpEd, Faith, Family Trey Bailey

A Joyful Juxtaposition of Hope: Christmas, the New Year, and them Dawgs!

In this beautiful juxtaposition, we see the parallel threads of rebirth and renewal woven into the fabric of both holidays. The ancient story of Christ's birth aligns seamlessly with the modern ritual of ushering in a new year, both symbolizing the limitless potential for transformation and growth…hope for a preferred future.

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Confessions of a Biblically Illiterate Pastor
Covington News OpEd, Bible Trey Bailey Covington News OpEd, Bible Trey Bailey

Confessions of a Biblically Illiterate Pastor

A friend suggested I try cemetery. I mean…seminary. No offense, but I thought seminary was where good-hearted pastors went to die, only to be resurrected in cap & gown as self-righteous “know-it-alls” whose job it was to grow their congregation’s knowledge but not their grace. I thought the smart Christians were all about education and no action. I assumed that if your brain grew larger then your heart grew smaller.

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The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side: A Word for Local Graduates
Covington News OpEd Trey Bailey Covington News OpEd Trey Bailey

The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side: A Word for Local Graduates

The grass is NOT greener on the other side; the grass is greener where there’s chicken manure. In other words, your crop yield is based on your effort and ingenuity. Breaking up the earth is time-consuming difficult work. Spreading fertilizer is messy and it stinks! Keeping natural obstacles like animals and weeds out of the field takes diligence and careful attention. And a little favor from God always helps. You don’t have to go looking for a greener pasture somewhere distant from your hometown. If you want a green pasture: work the soil; plant the seeds; spread the manure; pull the weeds; and pray for rain.

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A Thank You to Superintendent Fuhrey
Board of Education, Leadership Trey Bailey Board of Education, Leadership Trey Bailey

A Thank You to Superintendent Fuhrey

We have led through trying economic times, education disruptions during a global pandemic, and we’ve grieved the tragic loss of faculty, students, and even one of our own board members, our friend and mentor Almond Turner. So, we’ve been through a lot of highs and lows, calm seas and stormy weather, and you have been a steady captain of this ship and crew.

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Skepticism and the Asbury Revival
Covington News OpEd, Faith Trey Bailey Covington News OpEd, Faith Trey Bailey

Skepticism and the Asbury Revival

I believe today’s teens and twenty-somethings are looking for a break from their phones and the fake plastic stories on social media. I believe they are looking to get out of the mindless swiping and insta-gratification of scrolling and experience an ancient faith that is solid, robust, and sturdy. I believe they want to be a part of an in-person movement of real people that is bigger than the “friends” they have on their tiny iPhone screens. The revival at Asbury is revealing a return to a religious experience that is truly counter to the current American culture.

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Do “Politicians” Really Care?

Do “Politicians” Really Care?

Public servants must listen to the citizens, and then continue honest, constructive leadership conversations that draw us together to work toward an agreed vision for Newton County. Boards and councils cannot make decisions in a vacuum or in a silo. Every individual decision from every board and commission impacts the whole. Newton County is interconnected. As leaders, public servants, we need to be more connected.

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Mama Update: Walking Like Robocop
Mama Updates Wayne Kitchens Mama Updates Wayne Kitchens

Mama Update: Walking Like Robocop

The therapist said that she( Bonnie) is doing better at walking every day!! SO, I think we can chalk this day up as a VERY GOOD day!!! Continued prayers are needed and appreciated. Even though this courageous Lady has come a looong way, she still has a long and rocky path ahead of her.

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Mama Update: There’s No Place Like Home: Tears of Joy
Mama Updates Wayne Kitchens Mama Updates Wayne Kitchens

Mama Update: There’s No Place Like Home: Tears of Joy

As we made our way home, she began smiling a little bigger as we traveled through Conyers. When we drove through Covington on I-20, she was smiling bigger and tears of joy were falling. As we exited I-20 at Stanton Springs, she was literally sobbing and laughing at the same time. As we drove up our driveway to her son Jay and the pups who were waiting on us, there are no words to describe the joy she was showing!!

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Mama Update: (Day 47) Preparing for Discharge
Mama Updates Wayne Kitchens Mama Updates Wayne Kitchens

Mama Update: (Day 47) Preparing for Discharge

Bonnie continues to progress. We have been in family training all week, and will continue the rest of the week in preperation for discharge. We have only recieved positive reports from the therapists and doctors, as well as seeing improvements ourselves. Words like "phenomenal" and "amazing" are being used in the reports.

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