A Joyful Juxtaposition of Hope: Christmas, the New Year, and them Dawgs!
In this beautiful juxtaposition, we see the parallel threads of rebirth and renewal woven into the fabric of both holidays. The ancient story of Christ's birth aligns seamlessly with the modern ritual of ushering in a new year, both symbolizing the limitless potential for transformation and growth…hope for a preferred future.

I Wanna be Rich!
I want to be rich, but not how America, or the world, defines rich. As I pour myself out at the feet of King Jesus, I pray his immeasurable and priceless Spirit fills me to overflowing. That is a miraculous and divine transaction.

Skepticism and the Asbury Revival
I believe today’s teens and twenty-somethings are looking for a break from their phones and the fake plastic stories on social media. I believe they are looking to get out of the mindless swiping and insta-gratification of scrolling and experience an ancient faith that is solid, robust, and sturdy. I believe they want to be a part of an in-person movement of real people that is bigger than the “friends” they have on their tiny iPhone screens. The revival at Asbury is revealing a return to a religious experience that is truly counter to the current American culture.

Interview: The Warrior Podcast with Matt Keller
I had the great pleasure of engaging in conversation with my friend, Matt Keller on The Warrior Podcast. During this episode, we talk about my time in the 90s alt-rock band, Rocketboy, my early life growing up in Georgia, the state of the church, as well as current issues being faced in our public schools.