Obstacles vs. Perspective
A change in perspective may NOT change the obstacle itself…but a change in perspective changes you.

Mama Update: (Day 9-10) Perspective is Everything
But when you’ve been at rock bottom, or you’ve stepped right up to the edge of worst-case scenario, you can then see the beauty and joy of being one degree to the right of worst-case. That’s because you have a new perspective, and perspective changes everything. When you take that first baby-step away from the worst, what lies ahead is hope and opportunity. Will you ever get back to “everything is fine”? Who knows, but you’re sure as heck glad to be two steps away from “worst-case scenario.”

Differing Perspectives Do Not Mean One is Right and One is Wrong
I can only see three sides of the Rubik’s cube from my perspective, however, there are three other sides that matter, and one is a mystery to us all. Read how the BOE FY23 budget passes 4-1 and all sides of the cube are heard, especially the Superintendent’s.