Obstacles vs. Perspective
A change in perspective may NOT change the obstacle itself…but a change in perspective changes you.

Mama Update: (Day 30) Hunker Down
Basically, mama is doing ok.
Small improvements.
And a long way to go.
We gotta hunker down.
She’s confronting some opposition and and some unfavorable circumstances…so…we’re gonna hunker down one more time.

Mama Update: (Day 9-10) Perspective is Everything
But when you’ve been at rock bottom, or you’ve stepped right up to the edge of worst-case scenario, you can then see the beauty and joy of being one degree to the right of worst-case. That’s because you have a new perspective, and perspective changes everything. When you take that first baby-step away from the worst, what lies ahead is hope and opportunity. Will you ever get back to “everything is fine”? Who knows, but you’re sure as heck glad to be two steps away from “worst-case scenario.”

Don’t Dip Into Your Savings Account During a Recession
BUT, in our meeting Tuesday, I warned that you don’t dip into your savings account during a recession. Yes, we have a healthy ending fund balance. But with the nation heading into a recession, now is NOT the time to dip into that savings account.

The Last of My Kind : a Moderate Republican Willing to Meet in the Messy Middle
We share more in common than our differences. We all want to see a thriving community and a solid school system. And in order to see that come to fruition, our community leaders must lean in, work together, meet in the messy middle, and make sure the main things remain the main things. That’s my work, the work of a moderate republican…but am I the last of my kind?

An Open Door is not Always a “Good Opportunity”
I believe a K-8th grade Performing & Liberal Arts Academy is an initiative you endeavor when you’ve taken care of the basics in all of your schools and have a few extra dollars in your account because you’ve trimmed expenses in other areas.