The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side: A Word for Local Graduates
The grass is NOT greener on the other side; the grass is greener where there’s chicken manure. In other words, your crop yield is based on your effort and ingenuity. Breaking up the earth is time-consuming difficult work. Spreading fertilizer is messy and it stinks! Keeping natural obstacles like animals and weeds out of the field takes diligence and careful attention. And a little favor from God always helps. You don’t have to go looking for a greener pasture somewhere distant from your hometown. If you want a green pasture: work the soil; plant the seeds; spread the manure; pull the weeds; and pray for rain.

Do “Politicians” Really Care?
Public servants must listen to the citizens, and then continue honest, constructive leadership conversations that draw us together to work toward an agreed vision for Newton County. Boards and councils cannot make decisions in a vacuum or in a silo. Every individual decision from every board and commission impacts the whole. Newton County is interconnected. As leaders, public servants, we need to be more connected.

Senior Homestead Exemption on the BOE Agenda
As I said at the meeting, this situation is unsatisfactory to me. I am a fiscal conservative, but I also believe that if we only look at the absolute “certain” data, then we will never move the needle. There must be a small risk we are willing to take to relieve the tax burden on our Senior Citizens without endangering the quality of education for our kids.

Elections: Not About “Winning” and “Losing”
At the end of the day, I received a majority of votes in District 1. That does not mean the other candidate “lost” anything. And that doesn’t mean I “won” anything. It means I was chosen by a majority of the people to represent ALL of the people.

Senior School Tax Exemptions: Will they ever happen?
There are several obstacles to creating a school-tax exemption for Senior Citizens (loss of revenue, shifting the tax burden, an economic development impact) but the process is what might be the most frustrating. But I believe we can overcome those obstacles…read today’s blog, see what’s happening now, and join the conversation.

Fall Break: a Good Time for Some Good News
A long overdue update: Fall Break, good beginnings, the new cell phone policy, Graduation rates, Eastside High School dedication & costs, and the Newton County Teachers of the Year!!!

Interview: The Warrior Podcast with Matt Keller
I had the great pleasure of engaging in conversation with my friend, Matt Keller on The Warrior Podcast. During this episode, we talk about my time in the 90s alt-rock band, Rocketboy, my early life growing up in Georgia, the state of the church, as well as current issues being faced in our public schools.

A Millage Decrease is Still a Tax Increase
During the last three weeks, the Board of Education has met publicly three times to hear the Superintendent’s recommendation for setting the 2022 millage rate at 16.788 mills, thus “raising taxes” while actually lowering the tax rate. You can’t beat the dang tax man!!!

Gwinnett Teacher of the Year Resigns Stating 3 Major Problems in Schools
Allen gives three big problems in public school:
student apathy and disrespect for school rules/norms
mobile phone usage
a disconnect between administration and the classroom.