Together, we can make our schools better
Together we can shape our schools so that teachers are supported, parents are heard, and our kids are excited about school.
I believe we can transform the schools in our community if we do it together.
I am committed to making decisions that are in the best interest of all of us - the teachers, parents, and students of Newton County.
Below are some key items and initiatives that I will be fighting for.
I endeavor to put the “LOCAL” back in LOCAL EDUCATION.
Education should remain LOCAL.
I believe that education decisions are made best at the closest level to the student. Therefore, as many decisions that can be made in the classroom, the better.
Direction, training and support come from the Central Office, and the Board sets policy and advocates for the system.
The less the state of Georgia is involved, the better. And there should be no reason the Federal Government meddles in local education at all.
There is no room for bureaucracy in local education. Decisions should always be made with the best interest of the students in mind, not curriculum companies or special interest groups.
I promise to champion the shift in the Newton County School System’s CULTURE from one of a system of silos to a unified ONE NEWTON.
From my perspective I’ve seen a little bit of tension between departments.
At times it feels like we aren’t all willingly moving in the same direction and toward the same goal. I believe we can change this silo mentality and become more unified as a team.
I’d like to see all the departments working together to accomplish the vision and mission of our school system and the end result being an environment where students and teachers can’t wait to get into the classroom everyday.
The school environment should be one where teachers feel supported and encouraged in their priceless work of educating children who are excited to be there.
I believe in FOCUSED LEADERSHIP where Board members give direction and leadership to the Superintendent, then TRUST the Superintendent to lead the central office staff and school administrators.
It would then be the primary purpose of administrators who are trained and well-resourced to lead and support the teachers in their school buildings.
This kind of focused leadership will win back the trust of teachers in the administration and make Newton County School Systems a place where the BEST educators from all over the state will want to work.
With FOCUSED LEADERSHIP, TRUST and growing UNITY, the citizens of Newton County will begin to believe and trust in the LOCAL public education system again.
I am devoted to working toward a safe and secure environment for teachers and students - not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
I envision a school climate where students feel safe to be themselves and to learn, and NOT have to worry about being bullied, ridiculed, or verbally abused.
I also envision a school climate where teachers are supported in classroom management so that they can truly focus on the education and well-being of their students.
This requires that discipline be taken seriously. I believe in the mantra, “love before you teach;” however, healthy discipline is a key component of love.
We must give teachers and administrators the ability to control classroom disruptions with the proper discipline. This will help make the classroom climate a better place for all kids to learn safely and securely.
Ready to partner together to make these initiatives a reality?
Here are some basic ways we can partner together to shape our school system:
Donations are always helpful. As I begin to campaign, your financial support will make it easier to spread the word and cast vision.
The Campaign to ReElect Trey Bailey
PO Box 2243
Covington, GA 30015
Sign up for my blog. As a current board member, I’ll be sharing updates about board decisions and offer my perspective on them. It’s a great way to stay updated and informed about key issues in our school system.
When the time comes, I would deeply appreciate your vote! I consider it a privilege to represent you as we continue working together to shape our community.
Here are a few reasons why I’ll represent you well on the Board of Education:
Proven executive LEADERSHIP in both for-profit and non-profit sectors in Newton County
DEDICATED to the improvement of local public education
INTEGRITY in decision making and not afraid to stand up for his BELIEFS
Years of COMMUNITY service through Chamber of Commerce, The Arts Association, and the Board of Education
Life-long RESIDENT of Newton County and graduate of Newton County High School 1992
Wife is a TEACHER in Newton County 25+ years
Father of THREE Newton County STUDENTS
Here are some testimonials from leaders and influencers in our community:
“Trey Bailey is an innovative and exceptionally savvy businessman and leader. He has a heart for children and believes that every child deserves an excellent education. He is an advocate for high quality classrooms and a good steward of public money. He is smart and understands the importance of public office for all children in Newton County. Trey will be an excellent member of the Board of Education.”
“Trey always approaches problems with what is best and never from a personal agenda. I am often amazed how he is able to do so. He values the thoughts and opinions of others and earnestly tries to see from their point of view. I have found Trey to be full of character, faith and integrity. He is one of the most capable leaders I know.”
“I have known Trey personally and professionally for more than 10 years. I can say with confidence that Trey will serve on the BOE with the utmost professionalism. His innate ability to see and create systems and processes will serve us well as he works to set policy for our schools. I fully support Trey and hope you will too.”
“Having watched Trey Bailey live his life as a parent, a volunteer, a pastor, and a business person, it is easy to see why he is a ready-made candidate for the Newton County Board of Education. Commitment, Passion, Looking in the mirror at night to be able to say–Have I done the right things for the right reasons?–these are the traits that define Trey. We are lucky to have his service in service to our greatest resource–our children.”
Together, we can make our schools better.
Are you ready to partner together to make a difference in our schools and in our community?