Do “Politicians” Really Care?
Public servants must listen to the citizens, and then continue honest, constructive leadership conversations that draw us together to work toward an agreed vision for Newton County. Boards and councils cannot make decisions in a vacuum or in a silo. Every individual decision from every board and commission impacts the whole. Newton County is interconnected. As leaders, public servants, we need to be more connected.

Don’t Dip Into Your Savings Account During a Recession
BUT, in our meeting Tuesday, I warned that you don’t dip into your savings account during a recession. Yes, we have a healthy ending fund balance. But with the nation heading into a recession, now is NOT the time to dip into that savings account.

Gwinnett Teacher of the Year Resigns Stating 3 Major Problems in Schools
Allen gives three big problems in public school:
student apathy and disrespect for school rules/norms
mobile phone usage
a disconnect between administration and the classroom.

The Last of My Kind : a Moderate Republican Willing to Meet in the Messy Middle
We share more in common than our differences. We all want to see a thriving community and a solid school system. And in order to see that come to fruition, our community leaders must lean in, work together, meet in the messy middle, and make sure the main things remain the main things. That’s my work, the work of a moderate republican…but am I the last of my kind?

An Open Door is not Always a “Good Opportunity”
I believe a K-8th grade Performing & Liberal Arts Academy is an initiative you endeavor when you’ve taken care of the basics in all of your schools and have a few extra dollars in your account because you’ve trimmed expenses in other areas.