The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side: A Word for Local Graduates
The grass is NOT greener on the other side; the grass is greener where there’s chicken manure. In other words, your crop yield is based on your effort and ingenuity. Breaking up the earth is time-consuming difficult work. Spreading fertilizer is messy and it stinks! Keeping natural obstacles like animals and weeds out of the field takes diligence and careful attention. And a little favor from God always helps. You don’t have to go looking for a greener pasture somewhere distant from your hometown. If you want a green pasture: work the soil; plant the seeds; spread the manure; pull the weeds; and pray for rain.

Mama Update: (Day 32) Prayers Brighten Dark Days
“I’m not going to lie to y’all. Yesterday was a dark day for me. A year ago my son went home to be with Jesus. But, even on this dark day, the sun still shines through brightly.” - Wayne Kitchens

Mama Update: (Day 9-10) Perspective is Everything
But when you’ve been at rock bottom, or you’ve stepped right up to the edge of worst-case scenario, you can then see the beauty and joy of being one degree to the right of worst-case. That’s because you have a new perspective, and perspective changes everything. When you take that first baby-step away from the worst, what lies ahead is hope and opportunity. Will you ever get back to “everything is fine”? Who knows, but you’re sure as heck glad to be two steps away from “worst-case scenario.”

Mama Update: (Day 7-8) Another Sunrise Together
Things are dark in the middle of the night. Things may seem hopeless and like there may never be light again. But when the beams begin to peek over the trees, we know another day has come. And with it, a new light.

Mama Update: (Day 6) Miracles on the Horizon
We’re all learning right now. But thankfully, we are all learning together. My mama is still here and still fighting. And we are believing, just like that sun this evening, that big, huge, bright miracles are just over the horizon, even if we have to squint through today.

Mama Update: (Day 5) Slowly Winning the Race
We all know the parable of the tortoise and the hare. We have hare expectations but we’re in a tortoise race.