A Millage Decrease is Still a Tax Increase
During the last three weeks, the Board of Education has met publicly three times to hear the Superintendent’s recommendation for setting the 2022 millage rate at 16.788 mills, thus “raising taxes” while actually lowering the tax rate. You can’t beat the dang tax man!!!

Differing Perspectives Do Not Mean One is Right and One is Wrong
I can only see three sides of the Rubik’s cube from my perspective, however, there are three other sides that matter, and one is a mystery to us all. Read how the BOE FY23 budget passes 4-1 and all sides of the cube are heard, especially the Superintendent’s.

Don’t Dip Into Your Savings Account During a Recession
BUT, in our meeting Tuesday, I warned that you don’t dip into your savings account during a recession. Yes, we have a healthy ending fund balance. But with the nation heading into a recession, now is NOT the time to dip into that savings account.

If You Only Have $20, You Can’t Spend $30
I believe we need to pay our teachers top-dollar. And if that means we need to scale down our program offerings to the essentials of teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic…then that’s what I’ll advocate for. I believe classroom management and discipline issues are MUCH more important than most of the new programs we are looking at funding. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I believe we need to get back to the basics and spend our money on the people who are teaching and managing these kids in the classroom.