A Real Tax Break Coming for Senior Citizens: What are the Details?
The Newton County Board of Education has approved a Senior Tax Exemption to be put before the citizens of Newton County for a vote in November 2023.

School Tax: Balancing the Need and the Burden
In this article: school tax, millage rate, proposed senior citizen tax exemptions, and why your property taxes are so high.

Senior Homestead Exemption on the BOE Agenda
As I said at the meeting, this situation is unsatisfactory to me. I am a fiscal conservative, but I also believe that if we only look at the absolute “certain” data, then we will never move the needle. There must be a small risk we are willing to take to relieve the tax burden on our Senior Citizens without endangering the quality of education for our kids.

Senior School Tax Exemptions: Will they ever happen?
There are several obstacles to creating a school-tax exemption for Senior Citizens (loss of revenue, shifting the tax burden, an economic development impact) but the process is what might be the most frustrating. But I believe we can overcome those obstacles…read today’s blog, see what’s happening now, and join the conversation.