The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side: A Word for Local Graduates
The grass is NOT greener on the other side; the grass is greener where there’s chicken manure. In other words, your crop yield is based on your effort and ingenuity. Breaking up the earth is time-consuming difficult work. Spreading fertilizer is messy and it stinks! Keeping natural obstacles like animals and weeds out of the field takes diligence and careful attention. And a little favor from God always helps. You don’t have to go looking for a greener pasture somewhere distant from your hometown. If you want a green pasture: work the soil; plant the seeds; spread the manure; pull the weeds; and pray for rain.

Do “Politicians” Really Care?
Public servants must listen to the citizens, and then continue honest, constructive leadership conversations that draw us together to work toward an agreed vision for Newton County. Boards and councils cannot make decisions in a vacuum or in a silo. Every individual decision from every board and commission impacts the whole. Newton County is interconnected. As leaders, public servants, we need to be more connected.